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Help Provide Safe + Sanitary + Secure Housing in the Delta
Please pray for God’s blessing on Delta Grace, and prayerfully consider a financial gift to our ministry.
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Delta Grace is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.
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- can be made easily online or by mail
- can be one-time or recurring
- is tax-deductible
- funds desperately-needed repairs that make homes safe, sanitary, and secure
Meet Our Partners
Greenville, Mississippi
The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number Two has served the Greenville community for more than one hundred and twenty two years. Prior to the 1890’s, Greenville had no organized charities, welfare agencies or hospitals. Since that time, the hospital and the circle have been faithfully serving Greenville and the Mississippi Delta. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Circle sold the hospital, but now continues as a charitable foundation. Since its inception in 2000, the Foundation has given more than $2,800,000, making it one of the largest contributors to charitable projects and programs in the Mississippi Delta.
Indianola, Mississippi
Planters Bank’s history is as rich as the soil it was founded upon. In April 1920, Planters Bank & Trust began serving customers in the small community of Ruleville, Mississippi. Throughout their growth, Planters Bank has remained rooted in its mission to dedicate resources to the betterment of their customers and to the Mississippi communities they live and work in.
Greenwood, Mississippi
The United Way of Leflore County consists of and supports 13 different 501(c)3 charities. Each of these charities make an impact on our community. The United Way works closely with each of our agencies and provides hands on assistance as well as financial assistance through monthly agency highlights. The Board of Directors believes that we are to give not only our money, but also of our time in talents in providing assistance to our designated agencies.
Birmingham, Alabama
SOUTHEASTERN JURISDICTION — United Methodist Volunteers in Mission is a grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action.” Since the 1970s, UMVIM has offered a framework through which disciples can engage in short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally. Their volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities and vocations, from all walks of life. Tens of thousands of United Methodists engage in short-term mission each year in ministries.
The Epworth Project is the ecumenical faith-based, volunteer- driven component of Northshore Disaster Recovery Inc, a 501c(3) non-profit organization created to assist in long-term disaster recovery. They have partnerships with more than 60 organizations including churches from all denominations, colleges, corporations, United Way, Red Cross, Salvation Army and government agencies. They recruit volunteers from around the country and partner them with local families with home repair needs.
Jackson, Mississippi
USDA’s Rural Housing Service offers a variety of programs to build or improve housing and essential community facilities in rural areas. They offer loans, grants and loan guarantees for single- and multi-family housing, child care centers, fire and police stations, hospitals, libraries, nursing homes, schools, first responder vehicles and equipment, housing for farm laborers and much more. They also provide technical assistance loans and grants in partnership with non-profit organizations, Indian tribes, state and federal government agencies, and local communities.
why we're here
we provide essential home repairs to those most in need
The Mississippi Delta is one of the poorest areas in the United States — often described as ‘a third world country in the heart of America.’ Historically, the region has remained entrenched in deep poverty. Our founder, Veronica Pritchard, saw that need and was moved to action.
In 2013, she founded Delta Grace, a non-profit, multi-denominational, faith-based organization that matches mission teams with those in need of home repairs.
Since its founding, Delta Grace has hosted over 3,000 missioners and, with their help, has repaired over 270 homes and shared God’s grace with hundreds of Delta residents.
Word about our work has spread all over the country. Today, we have more homes awaiting repairs than ever before, with an application database consisting of over 700 applications.
Our Mission
Is to share God’s grace by using our hands and feet to do His work
Our Goal
Is to provide safe, sanitary, and secure housing for the elderly, disabled, and others who do not have the means to have adequate living conditions in the Delta
Our Prayer
Is that volunteers will transform the lives of those they serve and, in turn, have their own lives transformed
Meet Our Partners
Greenville, Mississippi
The King’s Daughters and Sons Circle Number Two has served the Greenville community for more than one hundred and twenty two years. Prior to the 1890’s, Greenville had no organized charities, welfare agencies or hospitals. Since that time, the hospital and the circle have been faithfully serving Greenville and the Mississippi Delta. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Circle sold the hospital, but now continues as a charitable foundation. Since its inception in 2000, the Foundation has given more than $2,800,000, making it one of the largest contributors to charitable projects and programs in the Mississippi Delta.
Indianola, Mississippi
Planters Bank’s history is as rich as the soil it was founded upon. In April 1920, Planters Bank & Trust began serving customers in the small community of Ruleville, Mississippi. Throughout their growth, Planters Bank has remained rooted in its mission to dedicate resources to the betterment of their customers and to the Mississippi communities they live and work in.
Greenwood, Mississippi
The United Way of Leflore County consists of and supports 13 different 501(c)3 charities. Each of these charities make an impact on our community. The United Way works closely with each of our agencies and provides hands on assistance as well as financial assistance through monthly agency highlights. The Board of Directors believes that we are to give not only our money, but also of our time in talents in providing assistance to our designated agencies.
Birmingham, Alabama
SOUTHEASTERN JURISDICTION — United Methodist Volunteers in Mission is a grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action.” Since the 1970s, UMVIM has offered a framework through which disciples can engage in short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally. Their volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities and vocations, from all walks of life. Tens of thousands of United Methodists engage in short-term mission each year in ministries.
The Epworth Project is the ecumenical faith-based, volunteer- driven component of Northshore Disaster Recovery Inc, a 501c(3) non-profit organization created to assist in long-term disaster recovery. They have partnerships with more than 60 organizations including churches from all denominations, colleges, corporations, United Way, Red Cross, Salvation Army and government agencies. They recruit volunteers from around the country and partner them with local families with home repair needs.
Jackson, Mississippi
USDA’s Rural Housing Service offers a variety of programs to build or improve housing and essential community facilities in rural areas. They offer loans, grants and loan guarantees for single- and multi-family housing, child care centers, fire and police stations, hospitals, libraries, nursing homes, schools, first responder vehicles and equipment, housing for farm laborers and much more. They also provide technical assistance loans and grants in partnership with non-profit organizations, Indian tribes, state and federal government agencies, and local communities.